Wednesday 3 December 2014

The Best Pre-Workout Meal For Some SERIOUS GAINS !

A workout is of no use if you don't take a proper pre-workout meal. A proper Pre-Workout Meal means a meal with adequate amount of Protein and Carbs. To have a proper workout you'll need some serious Protein and Simple Carbs. So today I'm gonna show you a great Pre-Workout Meal Recipe which will help you to have great amount Protein and Simple Carbs to make some serious GAINS! I don't have any specific name for it but if you can name it, feel free to comment below.

Ingredients - 200 gm Oats
                     Half Scoop Of WHEY Protein
                     Medium Sized Banana
                     10-12 Almonds

Method - Start making an Oat meal with the help of Milk And Oats. During the preparation add the Half Scoop Of Whey and cook the Oats.
But If you're using Microwave, mix the Oats, Milk and WHEY and cook it in the Microwave.
Once cooked, cut the bananas into pieces and add them to the Oats.
Garnish with Almonds.

And there we have a Great Pre-Workout meal with Proper amount of Protein and Simple Carbs your body need during the workout and to give you some serious GAINS!
Try it, share it among your friends and Comment Below about your Views.
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Friday 28 November 2014

Why Aren't You Growing Muscle ?

I always got those messages where people are like, Why can't I grow Muscle ? Why I'm not making any gains ? Why I can't see any results even after so much of hard work ? etc. The number of such questions keep growing day by day so today I'm gonna show you the reason why aren't you growing any muscle and how can you correct it ? But before we get started please give us a Thumbs Up on our Facebook Fan page or just click on the LIKE button on the right, it will mean alot for Me. Lets get started.

1. Workout and Rest - Workout is the first step where you should solve your mistake and a step towards some real muscle growth. When you're main aim is to grow Muscle Mass, make your workout short and intense and see to it that the amount of rest you take in between the sets is not too high. The rest period shouldn't exceed the limit of 60 secs. The rest period should be minimum 15 secs and maximum 60 secs.

2. Under Eating -  If you're making no mistake in your workout, under eating or lack of nutrition can be the reason why you're not making any Gains. "EAT HUGE TO BE HUGE" - Apply this Golden Rule to make some serious Gains. See to it that you eat atleast 6-8 times a Day, with a gap of 2 hours between each meal and each meal should contain proper amount of Protein, Carbs and Fats.

3. Not Taking Enough Rest - Taking a proper 8 hours of sound sleep is very much important to Grow Muscle. Taking Enough Rest helps the broken muscle fibers and tissues to repair and grow. Not taking enough rest may result in no proper Muscle Growth or even Muscle Loss. So throw away that god damn mobile phone, stop chatting with HER overnight and get some rest.

4. Stress - This is the most underrated cause of lack of muscle growth. Stress leads to various problems such as no proper sleep, lack of nutrition. So to get enough muscle growth, you must stay Stress free. Meditating is one of the best way to stay stress free.

5. Genetics - "GENETICS IS NOT AN EXCUSE" - No matter how much this phrase will be right, genes plays an important role in Muscle Growth. That doesn't means Muscle will not grow. It will, but it will take sometime, Muscle growth will take time. All you need is to keep patience.

So if you can related to any of the following reason, change this MISTAKE RIGHT NOW. Start it from today and your future self will thank you.

To contact me, mail me on - OR or post the question on our Facebook Fan Page
                                                                                                     Be Healthy, Stay Fit, Be a BEAST!!!!!

Sunday 23 November 2014

The Only Supplement You Need To Make GAINS

Which Supplement should I use ? What supplement should I take to get great results ? Which is the best supplement for me ? etc. I get asked all those question alot on my email - or on our Facebook Fan Page - . The count of those question is too much. So today I'm gonna show you which ultimate supplement you need.

Well as Indian, before buying any supplement we have to think alot since the cost price of Supplement in India is too damn high. So we have to buy a supplement which is not too costly and must also give us great results.

Using Supplement differs for each and every person. If you're cutting you need different supplement. If you're bulking you'll need different supplement. But I'm gonna suggest you few supplements which you can use during both phase, Cutting as well as Bulking. (Image is for represent purpose only)

1. Creatine Monohydrate - Creatine Monohydrate is the best supplement which you can use to get great results and it is very cheap. Creatine mainly helps you to get strength to lift and it uses the water in your body to SWOLE up the Muscles. So when you're using Creatine make sure you drink hell lots of water or else the results will be severe cramps.

When To use Creatine Monohydrate ?
Well You can use Creatine during Cutting as well as Bulking but I'll prefer you to use Creatine during Bulking phase since Creatine helps to put a great Muscle Mass.

Best Time to Have Creatine Monohydrate ?
The best time to have Creatine Monohydrate is right after you're workout.
You can have Creatine according to your need but I'll prefer you to have 1/3 tablespoon of creatine with any juice or you can simply add it with water and have it. But remember to drink lots of water.

2. Whey Protein - The most renowned supplement right from the Old School era, Whey Protein is the best supplement you can have to get sufficient amount of Protein, Carbs and Calories. To make some serious GAINS, one must follow a proper diet with Whey Protein. Just drinking 1-2 scoops of Whey won't give you much gains. A proper diet is most important no matter which supplement you use. Whey Protein is just to give you the required Calories and Protein which you don't get much from your daily food.

When To Use Whey Protein ?
You can Have Whey during both the phase bulking as well as cutting because Whey just helps you to to get the sufficient amount of Protein, Carbs and Calories you're body needs. So you can use Whey during both phase, Bulking as Well as Cutting.

Best Time To Have Whey Protein ?
The best time to have Whey is anytime. You can use whey whenever you need but i prefer you to have whey right after your workout since the Amount of Calories, Carbs and Protein will help you to recover fast.

So that all you need to make some sweet GAINS. But if you have more money you can go for Mass Gainers, BCAA etc. For more inquires, FAQ on Supplements or other Bodybuilding related stuff contact me on my email - or post it on our Facebook fan page -
                                                                                                     Be Healthy, Stay Fit, Be a BEAST!!!!!

Sunday 17 August 2014

The Veg Diet To Grow Huge Muscles

Before I start this post I want you fellow to go and like our official Facebook Page - or just hit that LIKE button on the left, just to stay updated with the blog and fitness advice.
So moving on with the post. Well there is a great myth in the Fitness lifestyle and Bodybuilding that people who eat pure veg food has slow muscle grow and cannot grow as huge muscle as a Non-Veg eater. So is it so ? The answer is, NO! A veg eater can also grow as huge muscle as a Non-Veg Eater. But eating right is very important. So today I'm here to help all the fellow veg eater who wanna grow huge and SWOLE ! So before I start let me make this clear that I followed this diet and the result were astonishing and I almost gained muscle of around 4lbs. So lets start,

1. Mung Beans - Or Moong dals as we all Indian say so. Mung Bean or Moong Dal is the best source protein. Taking a bowl full of boiled Mung beans will act as equal to a Whey Protein or 10 white eggs. Its the best source of protein and taking it right after your workout will help you to recover fast.

2. Bananas - As I've always told, Banana aka The King Of Muscle Building Food is the best source of Protein and Fibres. Well a banana can be eaten anytime so there is no specific time to have it. You can have it as a pre or post workout meal or after your daily meals or ANYTIME.

3. Peanut Butter - Even though it contain a little bit amount of Fats, Peanut Butter is the best thing to have to grow your muscles and you can even use it during your Bulking phase. The best time to have Peanut Butter is after your workout as the Protein and Carbs in it will help you to recover your muscle faster.

4. Whey Protein - So as I was making some gains through the veg diet I noticed that the amount of Protein which was going in my body was less and it will happen with you to. So to maintain that amount of protein, whey protein will help you alot. you can use which ever whey protein which suits you. Take it after your workout for faster recovery and if you want you can also have it after your meals.

5. Eat Everything You Can - Well yes you read it right there. Eat everything you can and eat alot. To be HUGE you have to eat HUGE. But remember to eat right. If you wanna bulk just eat thing with more protein medium carbs and medium fats. But if you wanna just grow some muscle eat things with more protein medium carbs and less protein.

That's all you need to do, to grow huge and swole muscle by a simple veg diet. But remember to workout like a BEAST too because the more your muscle get tired the more you eat and the more you grow HUGE.
For any queries, question, changes, supplements queries contact on or ask it on our page or just click on the like button on the left.
                                                                                                     Be Healthy, Stay Fit, Be a BEAST!!!!!

Friday 13 June 2014

The Secret To Huge Biceps !

'No Curls, No Girls'. A huge, bulky biceps is not only favorites of boys but it also make girls go mad. I've got alot of mails from various people complaining that they workout alot for biceps, try various exercise, but all in VAIN. So today I'm gonna show you the secret of huge biceps which will help you to get those huge, bulky biceps within 2 weeks.

 But before I start if you wanna ask any questions, if you have any quires, you can contact me on my email or ask the same on our official page or just hit the like button beside. So lets start now,

Well the trick behind getting the huge biceps is, Warm Up, Stretching and Proper Exercise Equipment.

1. Warm Up - A proper warm up is damn necessary before a bicep workout. Not only for biceps but for each and every muscle you train. Start your warm up with Chin Ups and Pull Ups. Perform 3 sets of Chin Ups and Pull Ups with as much reps you can do, with a rest of 30 secs in between the sets.

2. Stretching - The most important thing for biceps workout is stretching it to a great extent or getting a huge Pump. To feel the stretch or a proper pump, always perform you reps as much slow as you can. Example, while Dumbbell curls, when you bring the dumbbell downwards make it as much slow movement as you can. The reason behind this is, the gravity pull the dumbbell downwards with a force, but as we make the movement slow the resistance gets formed on the muscle and the biceps gets stretched to a great extent. Use this Stretching technique for all your biceps workout for best results.

3. Proper Exercise Equipment - A gym may consist lots of machine and stuff for bicep workout. But using the right equipment is very important. According to me, using free weights is much more effective rather than machines. It doesn't mean I don't use machine, but comparing both I use free weights alot. So the equipments and workout  you need is,

Dumbbells                    Hammer Curls, Dumbbells Curls, Concentrated Curls
Ez Bar/Straight Bar      Ez Bar/Straight Bar Curls, Straight Bar Curls on Pulley Machine
Bicep Curl Machine     Biceps Curl ( Inward and Outward Grip)

So now what are you waiting for ? The secret is revealed, all you have to do is just go to the gym and hit your biceps with a great PUMP. Stay tuned for other such workout and nutrition tips.
                                                                                                        Be Healthy, Stay Fit, Be a BEAST!!!!!

Monday 26 May 2014

How To Recover After A Workout (The Right Way) ?

After a great, sweaty workout it is very important to recover the muscle. Doing it the wrong way will make your muscle growth slow. So today I'm gonna show you the 3 best way to recover after a workout without any muscle loss. But before we start I'm gonna announce that we now have our official page on Facebook, just visit the following link and give a like - So lets start,

1. Eating Right - As I always say training is easy but eating right is hard. Eating the right post workout will help you to recover the muscle. Recovering after a workout means to heals our damaged muscle. So the best nutrient to heal or recover muscle is proteins and carbs. Getting enough protein and carbs after is damn important to recover the muscle the best way. Fats also play a important role in recovering the damaged muscle. If you are in your gaining period fats is also the major nutrient for your recovery.

2. Getting Enough Rest - A proper 8 hours sound sleep is very important for recovery after a great workout. Rest is the key of recovering and growing your muscles. If you don't get the rest required by your body, there would be no muscle growth. So its very important to get enough rest.

3. Taking Right Supplements - Taking the right supplement after a workout is very important to get as much recovery you can have. The best supplement you can have is a Isolated Whey Protein because as I told earlier protein plays the major role in recovering the muscle.

So those are the top 3 ways to recover after a workout without any slow muscle growth. Stay tuned for the Top 5 Protein Rich Foods. Like and stay updated through Facebook by liking the official page of Ripped India on the following link -
                                                                                                        Be Healthy, Stay Fit, Be a BEAST!!!!!

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Top 5 Muscle Building Food

Working out is easy but eating the right thing is damn hard. I've got many question regarding muscle growth. The most common one is "I'm not able to make any muscle growth, what should I do ? Which supplements should I take ?
Well the reason behind not having any muscle growth is not eating the right food. No matter which supplements you take, if you don't eat right, its all in vain.
So after almost a week of searching, studying and researching I've brought the Top 5 Muscle Building Food. So lets start,

5. Chicken Breast - The best source of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Chicken breast is the best food for serious MUSCLE MASS. You can have chicken breast as a post workout meal as it will give the required protein and carbs to recover the muscle and to help it grow.

4. Egg White - Another best source of protein, Egg whites are the best for building up muscle fast. As compared to egg yolk, egg whites contain more protein and will help you to get the required muscle growth. You can have it as your post workout meal or just make it a regular ingredient in all you meals to get a proper amount of protein everyday.

3. Fish - When it comes for muscle building food, no one can ever forget Fish. The best way to get enough protein to repair and grow the muscle, Fish plays a major role in muscle building. The best Fish to have is none other than Tuna, containing alot amount of proteins and carbs. Have it as a post workout meal as it will help to repair the muscles alot.

2. Milk - Right from childhood milk has been the most important thing for us and its still important for muscle growth. Milk is the best source to alot and lot of protein and calcium, best for the muscles and bones. Take it before or after your workout or whenever you feel like. 

1. Banana - Well you know why it is in the first place. Banana, the king of muscle building food is the best source for alots of protein, carbs and fibre. The best way to have it is, EVERYDAY. Before and after a workout, after meals, whenever you want. 

So those were the Top 5 Muscle Building Food to get some serious MUSCLE MASS. 
Now you can also follow us on Facebook on our official page Ripped India. All you have to do is just click the Like button on this page or visit this link to have a view of our page -
                                                                                                        Be Healthy, Stay Fit, Be a BEAST!!!!!