Friday 13 June 2014

The Secret To Huge Biceps !

'No Curls, No Girls'. A huge, bulky biceps is not only favorites of boys but it also make girls go mad. I've got alot of mails from various people complaining that they workout alot for biceps, try various exercise, but all in VAIN. So today I'm gonna show you the secret of huge biceps which will help you to get those huge, bulky biceps within 2 weeks.

 But before I start if you wanna ask any questions, if you have any quires, you can contact me on my email or ask the same on our official page or just hit the like button beside. So lets start now,

Well the trick behind getting the huge biceps is, Warm Up, Stretching and Proper Exercise Equipment.

1. Warm Up - A proper warm up is damn necessary before a bicep workout. Not only for biceps but for each and every muscle you train. Start your warm up with Chin Ups and Pull Ups. Perform 3 sets of Chin Ups and Pull Ups with as much reps you can do, with a rest of 30 secs in between the sets.

2. Stretching - The most important thing for biceps workout is stretching it to a great extent or getting a huge Pump. To feel the stretch or a proper pump, always perform you reps as much slow as you can. Example, while Dumbbell curls, when you bring the dumbbell downwards make it as much slow movement as you can. The reason behind this is, the gravity pull the dumbbell downwards with a force, but as we make the movement slow the resistance gets formed on the muscle and the biceps gets stretched to a great extent. Use this Stretching technique for all your biceps workout for best results.

3. Proper Exercise Equipment - A gym may consist lots of machine and stuff for bicep workout. But using the right equipment is very important. According to me, using free weights is much more effective rather than machines. It doesn't mean I don't use machine, but comparing both I use free weights alot. So the equipments and workout  you need is,

Dumbbells                    Hammer Curls, Dumbbells Curls, Concentrated Curls
Ez Bar/Straight Bar      Ez Bar/Straight Bar Curls, Straight Bar Curls on Pulley Machine
Bicep Curl Machine     Biceps Curl ( Inward and Outward Grip)

So now what are you waiting for ? The secret is revealed, all you have to do is just go to the gym and hit your biceps with a great PUMP. Stay tuned for other such workout and nutrition tips.
                                                                                                        Be Healthy, Stay Fit, Be a BEAST!!!!!

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