Sunday 17 August 2014

The Veg Diet To Grow Huge Muscles

Before I start this post I want you fellow to go and like our official Facebook Page - or just hit that LIKE button on the left, just to stay updated with the blog and fitness advice.
So moving on with the post. Well there is a great myth in the Fitness lifestyle and Bodybuilding that people who eat pure veg food has slow muscle grow and cannot grow as huge muscle as a Non-Veg eater. So is it so ? The answer is, NO! A veg eater can also grow as huge muscle as a Non-Veg Eater. But eating right is very important. So today I'm here to help all the fellow veg eater who wanna grow huge and SWOLE ! So before I start let me make this clear that I followed this diet and the result were astonishing and I almost gained muscle of around 4lbs. So lets start,

1. Mung Beans - Or Moong dals as we all Indian say so. Mung Bean or Moong Dal is the best source protein. Taking a bowl full of boiled Mung beans will act as equal to a Whey Protein or 10 white eggs. Its the best source of protein and taking it right after your workout will help you to recover fast.

2. Bananas - As I've always told, Banana aka The King Of Muscle Building Food is the best source of Protein and Fibres. Well a banana can be eaten anytime so there is no specific time to have it. You can have it as a pre or post workout meal or after your daily meals or ANYTIME.

3. Peanut Butter - Even though it contain a little bit amount of Fats, Peanut Butter is the best thing to have to grow your muscles and you can even use it during your Bulking phase. The best time to have Peanut Butter is after your workout as the Protein and Carbs in it will help you to recover your muscle faster.

4. Whey Protein - So as I was making some gains through the veg diet I noticed that the amount of Protein which was going in my body was less and it will happen with you to. So to maintain that amount of protein, whey protein will help you alot. you can use which ever whey protein which suits you. Take it after your workout for faster recovery and if you want you can also have it after your meals.

5. Eat Everything You Can - Well yes you read it right there. Eat everything you can and eat alot. To be HUGE you have to eat HUGE. But remember to eat right. If you wanna bulk just eat thing with more protein medium carbs and medium fats. But if you wanna just grow some muscle eat things with more protein medium carbs and less protein.

That's all you need to do, to grow huge and swole muscle by a simple veg diet. But remember to workout like a BEAST too because the more your muscle get tired the more you eat and the more you grow HUGE.
For any queries, question, changes, supplements queries contact on or ask it on our page or just click on the like button on the left.
                                                                                                     Be Healthy, Stay Fit, Be a BEAST!!!!!

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