Sunday 23 November 2014

The Only Supplement You Need To Make GAINS

Which Supplement should I use ? What supplement should I take to get great results ? Which is the best supplement for me ? etc. I get asked all those question alot on my email - or on our Facebook Fan Page - . The count of those question is too much. So today I'm gonna show you which ultimate supplement you need.

Well as Indian, before buying any supplement we have to think alot since the cost price of Supplement in India is too damn high. So we have to buy a supplement which is not too costly and must also give us great results.

Using Supplement differs for each and every person. If you're cutting you need different supplement. If you're bulking you'll need different supplement. But I'm gonna suggest you few supplements which you can use during both phase, Cutting as well as Bulking. (Image is for represent purpose only)

1. Creatine Monohydrate - Creatine Monohydrate is the best supplement which you can use to get great results and it is very cheap. Creatine mainly helps you to get strength to lift and it uses the water in your body to SWOLE up the Muscles. So when you're using Creatine make sure you drink hell lots of water or else the results will be severe cramps.

When To use Creatine Monohydrate ?
Well You can use Creatine during Cutting as well as Bulking but I'll prefer you to use Creatine during Bulking phase since Creatine helps to put a great Muscle Mass.

Best Time to Have Creatine Monohydrate ?
The best time to have Creatine Monohydrate is right after you're workout.
You can have Creatine according to your need but I'll prefer you to have 1/3 tablespoon of creatine with any juice or you can simply add it with water and have it. But remember to drink lots of water.

2. Whey Protein - The most renowned supplement right from the Old School era, Whey Protein is the best supplement you can have to get sufficient amount of Protein, Carbs and Calories. To make some serious GAINS, one must follow a proper diet with Whey Protein. Just drinking 1-2 scoops of Whey won't give you much gains. A proper diet is most important no matter which supplement you use. Whey Protein is just to give you the required Calories and Protein which you don't get much from your daily food.

When To Use Whey Protein ?
You can Have Whey during both the phase bulking as well as cutting because Whey just helps you to to get the sufficient amount of Protein, Carbs and Calories you're body needs. So you can use Whey during both phase, Bulking as Well as Cutting.

Best Time To Have Whey Protein ?
The best time to have Whey is anytime. You can use whey whenever you need but i prefer you to have whey right after your workout since the Amount of Calories, Carbs and Protein will help you to recover fast.

So that all you need to make some sweet GAINS. But if you have more money you can go for Mass Gainers, BCAA etc. For more inquires, FAQ on Supplements or other Bodybuilding related stuff contact me on my email - or post it on our Facebook fan page -
                                                                                                     Be Healthy, Stay Fit, Be a BEAST!!!!!

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