Friday 28 November 2014

Why Aren't You Growing Muscle ?

I always got those messages where people are like, Why can't I grow Muscle ? Why I'm not making any gains ? Why I can't see any results even after so much of hard work ? etc. The number of such questions keep growing day by day so today I'm gonna show you the reason why aren't you growing any muscle and how can you correct it ? But before we get started please give us a Thumbs Up on our Facebook Fan page or just click on the LIKE button on the right, it will mean alot for Me. Lets get started.

1. Workout and Rest - Workout is the first step where you should solve your mistake and a step towards some real muscle growth. When you're main aim is to grow Muscle Mass, make your workout short and intense and see to it that the amount of rest you take in between the sets is not too high. The rest period shouldn't exceed the limit of 60 secs. The rest period should be minimum 15 secs and maximum 60 secs.

2. Under Eating -  If you're making no mistake in your workout, under eating or lack of nutrition can be the reason why you're not making any Gains. "EAT HUGE TO BE HUGE" - Apply this Golden Rule to make some serious Gains. See to it that you eat atleast 6-8 times a Day, with a gap of 2 hours between each meal and each meal should contain proper amount of Protein, Carbs and Fats.

3. Not Taking Enough Rest - Taking a proper 8 hours of sound sleep is very much important to Grow Muscle. Taking Enough Rest helps the broken muscle fibers and tissues to repair and grow. Not taking enough rest may result in no proper Muscle Growth or even Muscle Loss. So throw away that god damn mobile phone, stop chatting with HER overnight and get some rest.

4. Stress - This is the most underrated cause of lack of muscle growth. Stress leads to various problems such as no proper sleep, lack of nutrition. So to get enough muscle growth, you must stay Stress free. Meditating is one of the best way to stay stress free.

5. Genetics - "GENETICS IS NOT AN EXCUSE" - No matter how much this phrase will be right, genes plays an important role in Muscle Growth. That doesn't means Muscle will not grow. It will, but it will take sometime, Muscle growth will take time. All you need is to keep patience.

So if you can related to any of the following reason, change this MISTAKE RIGHT NOW. Start it from today and your future self will thank you.

To contact me, mail me on - OR or post the question on our Facebook Fan Page
                                                                                                     Be Healthy, Stay Fit, Be a BEAST!!!!!

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