Tuesday 20 May 2014

Top 5 Muscle Building Food

Working out is easy but eating the right thing is damn hard. I've got many question regarding muscle growth. The most common one is "I'm not able to make any muscle growth, what should I do ? Which supplements should I take ?
Well the reason behind not having any muscle growth is not eating the right food. No matter which supplements you take, if you don't eat right, its all in vain.
So after almost a week of searching, studying and researching I've brought the Top 5 Muscle Building Food. So lets start,

5. Chicken Breast - The best source of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Chicken breast is the best food for serious MUSCLE MASS. You can have chicken breast as a post workout meal as it will give the required protein and carbs to recover the muscle and to help it grow.

4. Egg White - Another best source of protein, Egg whites are the best for building up muscle fast. As compared to egg yolk, egg whites contain more protein and will help you to get the required muscle growth. You can have it as your post workout meal or just make it a regular ingredient in all you meals to get a proper amount of protein everyday.

3. Fish - When it comes for muscle building food, no one can ever forget Fish. The best way to get enough protein to repair and grow the muscle, Fish plays a major role in muscle building. The best Fish to have is none other than Tuna, containing alot amount of proteins and carbs. Have it as a post workout meal as it will help to repair the muscles alot.

2. Milk - Right from childhood milk has been the most important thing for us and its still important for muscle growth. Milk is the best source to alot and lot of protein and calcium, best for the muscles and bones. Take it before or after your workout or whenever you feel like. 

1. Banana - Well you know why it is in the first place. Banana, the king of muscle building food is the best source for alots of protein, carbs and fibre. The best way to have it is, EVERYDAY. Before and after a workout, after meals, whenever you want. 

So those were the Top 5 Muscle Building Food to get some serious MUSCLE MASS. 
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                                                                                                        Be Healthy, Stay Fit, Be a BEAST!!!!!

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