Friday 9 May 2014

How To Prepare Chicken During Gaining Period ?

As I promised earlier on my post 'How To Prepare Chicken During Cutting Period' I'm gonna today show you how to cook your chicken during gaining period to put on some serious MUSCLE MASS. So lets get started.
The first thing is which chicken are we supposed to buy. Are we supposed to buy lean or normal chicken ? Are we supposed to buy whole chicken, breast or leg ? Well the answer is we are supposed to buy normal chicken breast (which contain a little fat). Well the fat which it contain must not me much high or not much low its must be like if the chicken is 100 gm than the fat should be around 30-35 gm.

The second thing is how to cook it. Well to gain muscle mass we have to get as much carbs and fats we can with proper amount of protein. So while cooking the chicken we must see to it that the amount of fats present in it must not get lost. So here are the 2 best way to cook the chicken during gaining period,

1. Baking - Its the best I cook my chicken during gaining because the fats in it doesn't get much used up and doesn't take much time to get the chicken ready.

2. Frying - Deep frying the chicken is also a best way to cook it. Just use some sort of olive oil or which ever you love and just fry it that's all. To get more fats and carbs you can also garnish it with cheese or butter.

So now you are ready to gain some serious muscle mass for your gaining period. Hope the information was helpful. Now you can also follow us on facebook just go to the following link, like the page and stay updated
                                                                                                        Be Healthy, Stay Fit, Be a BEAST!!!!!

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