Saturday 3 May 2014

How To Avoid Injuries During Working Out ?

Well before we start let me announce that we now have our official page on facebook, just visit the following link, like and follow us to get ripped - Injuring yourself during working out can be a serious thing. I've got many complaints from people telling me that they have got injured or feeling pain and all that stuff. Well guys always make sure that before you start working out just consult your physician once. They know what kind of exercise will suit and which will not which would help you to avoid injuries. So today I'm gonna show you the top 4 ways to avoid injuries during workout. So lets get started,

1. Going Out Form OR Doing Wrong Exercises - This is the main reason to injuries. When we go out of form we are not doing that exercise the proper way as simple as that. So going out of form or doing wrong exercises can put pressure on the muscle where the pressure is not required at all and can cause injuries. It can also prove harmful for your bones too.

2. Wearing Supporting Gear - The best way too avoid injuries is too wearing those supporting gear. If you have any past injuries in your knees, ankle, wrist etc you can use those supporting gears available to avoid the injuries.

3. Consulting A Physician - As I told earlier, consulting a physician is a must. Not only before starting workouts but if you get any kind of slight pain you can consult a doctor. BUT REMEMBER GETTING THAT SORE FEELING RIGHT AFTER WORKOUTS IS NOT A INJURY. I've see many people telling me that they have got an injury and when I ask them for some symptoms and reason they are just telling me about the damn soreness they get after a workout. Soreness is not a injury.

Hope I've cleared all your doubts and everything regarding injuries. So if you still haven't consulted a physician, just go and do it right now. And I'm telling it once more, SORENESS IS NOT INJURY.
                                                                                        Be Healthy, Stay Fit, Be a BEAST!!!!!

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