Friday 2 May 2014

How To Get Rid Of Calluses From Lifting ?

Calluses are of various types but the unique one is due to lifting and pull ups. Well they mostly occur due to the friction caused on your skin. During pull ups the friction gets caused as you are hanging on a bar so the skin get folded inwards causing friction which results calluses. The same thing applies for weight lifting. When we lift weights, the weight gets pulled downward due to the force of gravity and our palm tries to prevent it so the friction gets caused and the result, calluses.
Well there are no way you can prevent calluses and believe me never get rid of them. Well the reason is if you get rid of them they appear again, so its all vain to get rid of them. But if you are annoyed of them here are some tips to prevent them and I'm gonna show you how to get rid of them too.

Using gloves - Well the best way is to use gloves. Gloves just takes the friction on them preventing calluses but if you lift heavy ass weights, the calluses can come but a little.

Nail Clippers - So if you wanna really get rid of calluses just cut them off with the help of nail clippers. It would not hurt at all its like shedding off the dead skin kind of.

Soaking In Warm Water - So if you don't wanna get rid of them just soak your hand in warm water as it will give you alot relief and will make the calluses a little soft.

Hope the information was useful. 
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