Monday 14 April 2014

How To Get Six Pack Abs ?

In one of my post ( The Truth About Getting Ripped Abs - ), I'd revealed the secret to abs. So now its time to train your abs to get a huge, ripped six pack abs. The following are the best 5 exercise I perform to get those rock hard abs,

1. Crunches - The best exercise for abs which works on your upper and middle abs. Its the best exercise ever to get a rock hard abs. Perform 50 reps of 3 sets with a 40 secs rest in between.

2. Leg Raise - To get ripped lower abs, this exercise will do the best. The best thing about this exercise is it works not only on your abs but your lower back, which in result will give you a great core. Perform 30 reps of 3 sets with a 40 secs break.

3. Air Bike - Works on all over your abs, this exercise is the best for getting ripped six pack abs. Perform fr 30 secs of 3 sets with 30 secs break.

4. Hanging Wipers - Now getting against gravity, its the best exercise working on your lower abs and obliques. Perform for 40 secs of 3 sets with 40 secs break.

5. Dragon Flag - This best exercise where one can go from beginner to intermediate to expert by raising legs more high. Perform 25 reps of 3 sets with 30 secs break. 

So what are you waiting for. Go load you music, put on the headphones and unleash the BEAST !
                                                                                             Be Healthy, Stay Fit, Be a BEAST!!!!!

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