Sunday 13 April 2014

How To Do More PushUps ?

I've published many article where I've described many exercise which mostly includes push ups. But after all those articles, I've been ask by many how to do more push ups. So this article is all on how to do more reps of push ups.
Push ups is the best exercise which one can do anywhere, anytime. It works best on your arms, shoulder, back, chest and core. In short it works on your whole upper body.

The best way to increase your push ups reps is by doing it right after you wake up and before going to bed. Well, I've got no kind of scientific reason behind this but I've followed this tip and it worked not only on me but also for my few friends who asked me how to do more reps of push ups.
The next tip is to do it before and after your workout. Doing push ups before your workout session doesn't only help to increase your reps everyday but also helps to give a good warm up. And doing push ups after your workout can help you to push yourself hard when you are tired because of the workout which eventually will work on your tired muscle more harder.
To increase your reps of push ups, add one more reps to your regular push ups reps at the end of the workout week i.e. if your last day of workout is Friday , add one more reps to your push ups and do the new number of reps till the next Friday and again add one more reps. This is is BEST way to increase your reps not only for push ups but pull ups too.
The last tips is push yourself harder and cross your limit. Until and unless you don't train like a BEAST you will never get results. Always go off you limits. If you can do 23 reps at once, try to do 25 or 26.
Hope this was helpful.
                                                                                         Be Healthy, Stay Fit, Be a BEAST!!!!!

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