Saturday 19 April 2014

Burn Your Fat In Hell, The Devil's Cardio Workout

The best cardio workout to stay ripped right from your home. Keeping it intense will help you get results more faster. Perform 3 sets of whole cardio workout with a 120 secs break in between the sets. So lets begin,

1. 60 secs Mountain Climbers

2. 15 Burpees

3. 10 Push Ups

4. 60 secs Running in place

5. 60 secs Skipping

6. 20 Dragon Flags

7. 60 secs V-Sit hold

This seven exercise will not only help you burn fat but will also help you to increase your strength and stamina. So what are you waiting for, go and just burn those loads of fats and show off your ripped muscle. Once you are done with your 3 sets start increasing your sets week after weeks.
                                                                                      Be Healthy, Stay Fit, Be a BEAST!!!!!

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