Sunday 6 April 2014

3 Big Meals OR 6 Small Meals ?

I've been asked by many that what is best, 3 big meals or 6 small meals ? Well I'm not an nutritionist or a dietitian, this is my experience I wanna share with you and I wish it help you.
Lets start with 3 big meals. Well 3 big meal is nothing but Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, simple. Well in this meal plan we eat only three time so those meals must be huge having loads of protein, medium carbs and low fats (it differ whether you are gaining or cutting). So you must eat as much as you can because we only get to eat 3 meals so one must eat as much as he/she can to get as much nutrient as they can.
Well it has few disadvantages too. A person is sometime not able eat too much at once so he/she can't follow 3 meals plan. This plan mainly works for those who are on cutting period. So it is ones own choice whether you wanna follow it or not.
Now coming to 6 small meals. It is the best meal plan according to me. 6 small meal is a six meal period of Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, Pre-Dinner, Dinner, Post-Dinner. In those six meals you have to eat in small size which much contain proper amount of protein, carbs and fats. It mostly help during gaining but can also work for cutting. The advantage is for one who can't eat too much at once because you can eat small size meal six times.
The disadvantage is that sometimes people does not maintain proper time intervals between meals because of which one either eats too early after a meal or too late which is not good.
It depends on you which one you wanna follow 3 big meals or 6 small meals. So at the end of the day we have learned 2 way to have our meal which helps for gaining as well as cutting. So now try both for a day and if you are comfortable with anyone, follow that. Hope I've helped you.
                                                                                           Be Healthy, Stay Fit, Be a BEAST!!!!!

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