Thursday 3 April 2014

The Best Way To Get Huge Lats By Just Bodyweight Exercise

A great physique with huge back is the dream of each guy. A huge back means huge wide lats. The best exercise for lats is none other than pull ups. However just a few changes in your regular pull ups will help you get huge wide lats.

Pull ups work best on the lats and back. However, I've seen most of the guys in my gym doing pull ups but not in proper way. By proper I mean is that while going down they don't go all  the way down.
All they do is just go a little down and come up again. Well that is not a proper form. One must go all the way down to feel that stretch on the lats and come up again.
The next thing is I've seen people kicking them self up to come up which is not proper. This kicking form will only work on you arms and shoulder. To get up you must pull yourself up right from the lats.
The last thing is grip. Having proper grip not only gives you proper form but also helps us to push yourself to ups, which helps you to do more repetitions. The given grip is the best for pull ups as well as chin ups.
So follow this small tip to get great results for and to get huge lats.
                                                                                                        Be Healthy, Stay Fit, Be a BEAST!!!!!

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