Wednesday 9 April 2014

Best Bodyweight Shoulder Exercises

Having a great wide shoulder gives a complete great physique. A huge wide shoulder gives a great V-Taper.
The following are some of the bodyweight shoulder exercises that you can do anywhere to get ripped shoulder.

1. Shoulder Width  Push Ups - This is the best exercise which will focus on your shoulder and triceps.

2. Shoulder Width Pull Ups - This exercise focus on shoulder, back and biceps.

3. Behind the Neck Pull Ups - With your shoulder, the exercise works on upper back too.

4. Hindu Push Ups - It is the best exercise which works on whole upper body. It is the best exercise for                                       shoulders.
So perform the following exercise with 10 reps of 3 sets of each exercises. 
                                                                                         Be Healthy, Stay Fit, Be a BEAST!!!!!

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